Your law firm is more than the sum of its parts.
Law firm culture often favors competitive individualism because, let's be honest, that's what most of us learned in law school. Not only is this draining for the people on your teams, it's also detrimental to your firm’s outcomes and future success to the extent these things rely on teamwork, collaboration and solid communication. I’m on a mission to transform the legal industry — one team at a time — through coaching lawyers and leaders to truly collaborate and play well on teams.
I craft and deliver interactive workshops for teams, practice groups, and departments tailored to meet exactly the needs of your firm and its people. Sample topics include:
Building and Leading Highly Engaged Teams
Listening and Feedback Techniques That Make An Impact
Using DiSC Workplace Styles and Preferences to Foster Team Play
Emerging Leaders: Exploring Your Relationship to Growth and Development
The best way to improve your team is to improve yourself.
— John Wooden
Peer Coaching Bootcamps
I lead Peer Coaching Bootcamp programs which draw upon the wisdom and support of a group of peers (e.g., high-performing senior associates or new partners) to expand learning and action in a particular subject area or concept. I offer two distinct focus areas for this program:
Business Development
Leading and Managing Teams
Peer coaching is a facilitated conversation in which the group transforms into a support network and a personal board of advisors for each member of the group. The benefit of peer coaching is that it leverages the insight of each individual in service of the development of all, creates stronger bonds among participants, and has a built in accountability mechanism in the form of the other participants present.
Bootcamps draw upon a combination of peer coaching and individual coaching, and each participant receives a management style self-assessment as well as a customized business plan.
The Collective Leadership Assessment®
I use The Leadership Circle’s Collective Leadership Assessment ® to help leadership teams understand the gap between their actual and desired leadership culture. Grounded in individual strengths and shortcomings, the Assessment helps me work together with your team to develop a unique plan to transform collective effectiveness. Learn More.
Personal approach, firm-wide results.
My approach focuses on the individual, encouraging self-reflection and growth to benefit the whole firm. Here’s an idea of what’s possible when we work together:
Your people feel more valued
Improved retention
Systematized processes
Teams collaborate and communicate more smoothly
Workplace culture is more positive, supportive, and productive
More effective client relationships and outcomes